#BlogTour TheLoveOfMyAfterlife – Kirsty Greenwood

What if the end of her life was just beginning… 

If she wasn’t dead already, Delphie Bookham would be dying of embarrassment. She’s woken up in the afterlife after choking on a microwave burger, wearing the kind of pyjamas you’d be mortified if anyone saw you in, and has crashed headlong into the most handsome man she’s ever met. Who is also dead and smiling at her.

As they talk, Delphie starts to can feel that elusive spark between them – something she’s waited her whole life to feel. Perhaps the afterlife won’t be so bad if she’s potentially found her soulmate to spend it with… That is until someone comes running in, yelling something about a huge mistake,and sends the dreamy stranger back down to earth and leaving Delphie behind.

 Now the powers that be are offering Delphie a deal: go back down to Earth, find her mysterious maybe soulmate, and get him to fall in love with her. Or stay dead. The challenge? She only has ten days to find him, and he has no recollection of them ever having met…

The Love of my Afterlife is a really fun read which had me giggling along as I read. As you’ll have read above, we meet Delphie as she is choking – a novel beginning to an uplifting read! She quickly moves into the afterlife and encounters Merritt, her afterlife therapist! She’s a delight – energised, enthused and a lot of fun. Perhaps not quite what you might expect to encounter after a traumatic event! When she chats to Delphie and shows her a life highlight reel, she discovers that Delphie has had some quite difficult moments in her childhood and adolescence, and has missed out on forming significant relationships. An opportunity arises which allows a second chance for Delphie, but the stakes are high – challenge uncompleted will lead to a rather miserable afterlife!

I thoroughly enjoyed the hi jinx of Delphie trying to track down her mystery man. It feels like everything that can go wrong will go wrong but there’s so much hilarity on the way. We see Delphie in some very amusing circumstances and watch her battle some of her hang ups to try and find this man! In amongst this we also get to see her relationship with her neighbours. For one who is not overly social, she is a lovely companion to her next door neighbours and is a gentle support for him. I felt Delphie made a very lovely central character and one that I wanted to see thriving! She is written really well. Each of the people she meets on her journey bring something important to it and gently help her discover a little more about herself and move her task along. There are quite a few somewhat embarrassing encounters which lighten some of the sadder bits of the story. I did snort aloud a few times because the writing is well considered and very funny at times.

I think this might be the first Kirsty Greenwood story I have read but I would definitely read more of her books. I would recommend this for readers who want a light and uplifting read, and to have a little giggle along the way!

About Kirsty Greenwood: Kirsty Greenwood is an internationally bestselling author of funny, fearless romantic comedies about extraordinary love.

When she’s not writing books she composes musicals and explores London where she lives with her husband.

Published by Intensive Gassing About Books @AboutGassing

Anaesthetist and Intensive Care doctor with a passion for reading in my spare time!

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